Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sixth Grade

Hello people of the blogosphere!
I am now in sixth grade!! I'm at a new school, too. It's a school called Baldwin and it's private. I've made some new friends there and it's very exciting!! I could go on and on about the pros and cons of a private but instead I'm just going to tell you about what I like about middle school in general. And how new schools can be fun!
So first I wanna say that I absolutely love sixth grade. I like it because It feels a lot more independent than elementary school. Back in fifth grade all we changed classes for was English and Math, some people even had the same teacher for more then one subject. And then our homeroom teacher was our Science and Social Studies teacher as well. This year I have all different teachers. I guess if I weren't in Honors Math I would have my homeroom teacher for Math, but since I am, I have a different teacher. My favorite subject subject, like for learning stuff, would have to be Math. My favorite fun subject, like for fun, would be Drama probably.
I know it sounds weird to have a Drama class, because most of you probably never did. But it is so much fun! Our teacher is a little on the boring side, but besides that the class is great. Mostly we just acted out this stories from different cultures using material, voice, and body. Our story was from Japan and it was called Three Strong Women. We were a little messy with our material, but over all we did well for only having a week or so to work on it.
I should like Art the best but honestly our Art teacher is a little insane. But I'll tell you that story another time!

Thanks for reading!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

How your food is made

First thing I have to say is if you don't believe any of the stuff I'm about to say watch the documentary Food Inc or you can takepart. Now back to my post, have you ever wondered what really goes on inside the places where your food is made. For those of you who don't buy organic/natural meat let me tell you how your meat is made. A few companys that make food this way are Monsanto, Smithfield, and Tyson. They make food by craming as many cows as they can into a medium sized area and feed the cows corn. I don't know if you knew this but cows are supposed to eat grass. So they feed the cows which means the cows are pretty much ankle deep in their own manure.(The people who run these companies obviously don't care a tinsy tiny bit about the cows comfort) After the cows go through a terrible process,(that I think you should watch Food Inc to find out about) they dump all the manure into the river. It's a terrible thing that's hurting the cows, the environment, and even us. These companies also put a chemical into the meat to prevent less e. coil. The thing about his chemical is that they didn't test it they don't know if it will kill you or not. They are testing it on you!

People die from fast food. Anyone can get type 2 diabeties from fast food. This is a very serious issue that needs to be discussed with your government. If you are a child/teenager talk to your parents.I may just be a kid but we can do a lot to change the world.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


As you Halloween has happened recently and if you know my mom, Geekymom she has posted on her blog a picture of me on the Friday before Halloween dressed up as a hippie for our school parade. On Halloween night I was invited to go trick-or-treating with one of my friends but in the end sadly to her I decided just to go by myself with my mom and/or dad. When I was all ready to go with my mom about 20 minutes in it started to drizzle so I told my mom that I wanted to go home. About 10 minutes after we got home we had to call my grandpa because it was his birthday. After we called him I asked my dad to take me out to get last minute treats in the rain so my dad took me out with an umbrella (one person had a giant bucket of candy and they gave me two handfuls of candy!!!) and we got candy.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

L.A. and Math

Today we got our assigned teachers for math and L.A.(Language Arts). I have all 3 teachers:Ms. Como-homeroom.Mrs. Kennedy-Language Arts.Mrs. Rado-Math. But my brother had Ms. Como and said she was nice. So after L.A. and before math we had a short recess because we're the last lunch. Then we went to math. Next we went to lunch and I had apple cookies, carrots, and a peanut butter and banana sandwich. After recess we had social studies which is with homeroom. Finally we went to gym and played Alaskan Baseball. You have 2 teams and one team chooses between some thing to throw hit or kick. I threw a frisbee and the other spreads out on the other side of the gym. Next our team forms a line(is always in a line)and I run around the line, 1, 2, 3. The other team yells STOP and I stop running. We got up to about 35 or 36. Team 2 got to 36 or 37. Last but not least we got packed up and went home. Thanks for reading I'm posting again tomorrow. :-l

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Second Day of School

Today was the second day of school. My legs hurt a little bit because I practiced soccer by myself, but I got over it. Most people think it's bad to sit next to your best friends(I sit next to my BFF). I think it's no help sitting next to your worst "enemy". What I would do is sit next to someone you talk to but don't really hang out with. Today were also working on our puzzle pieces that fit together with two other people(3 5th grade classes). Our class all figured out it says COOPERTOWN FIFTH GRADE. One of our specials(like yesterday we had gym and art)was library and I think that's it. When we went to library the teacher had us guess what had changed and we got them all(the first graders thought we couldn't do it). So after library we had social studies(sort of). We got questions on a piece of paper that have us look through the S.S. book. Then we packed up and went home. I got all the stuff my mom(A.K.A. geekymom)had to look at. Next I found my DOG poster and hung it up. After that I got my holiday school schedule and hung that up. And finally I came down here and blogged.

P.S. sorry for the way of the writing(lots of "thens" and what not)thanks.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. I am in 5th grade now, I was a bit nervous going into the same school but a different path. I barely ate any of my lunch because I felt full I had a peanut butter and banana sandwich with watermelon and carrots. I only ate one half of my sandwich a tiny bit of watermelon and one carrot. We have to wear are name tags all week which will probably get annoying but it's school rules. We got to have two recesses which was good right:p. Also we signed up for just about everything today there was: KAT (Kids As Teachers with the disabilities children) Library peeps(take school library from each class) Words of Wisdom(reading the words on the loud speaker)
Pure Mediators (go around at recess in an orange vest to make sure there's no problems) District Chorus(singing somewhere else:o) I think that's all and today's Tuesday so we had art, gym, and then we went home. Um oh then I started blogging(about this)thank you enjoy my bunny
awww cute right?

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Sunday, August 30, 2009


I just came back from a vacation, the last one of the summer. We went to litchfield beach in South Carolina with my Grandad and Nana. Since today is Sunday and the trip already happened I kind of forget the first, second, and third day so all I can say is that my mom's step-brother and his girlfriend came on Tuesday, day two. So day four, Thursday I remember we had Grilla pizza which is the local place. So Friday morning I'm excited because there is a movie premiere that I really want to see so I'm kind of hyper. I wanted to play wii and stuff with my brother but he was going golfing with my Grandad. Friday is our last day at the beach so I was told that I had a choice to make. This is the dilema: Tonight at 8 o'clock was my movie but mt bro told me that we were going to play this game called Wise and Otherwise and it was the last night so had play so I gave up the movie for the game. But when my dad told me a couple of people were going to play hearts I went downstairs to our room to watch the and I told him to call me up when we were going to play. So I was watching my movie, ya know laughing at the funny parts and crying at the sad parts. Anyway I heard my brother come down here and I asked him if we played the game without me and he said we weren't going to play. My movie was over so I snuck u

An early magazine scan of 'Popopo'.Image via Wikipedia

pstairs and looked around the table was still set up with Wise and Otherwise because I was excited but that was earlier. Then I heard Julie (My Uncle Christopher's girlfriend) ask me why I was sneeking around and I ran back downstairs. I was kind of disapointed that we didn't get to play, but my mom said we were busy so I understood and there's always next year.
<(-_-)>kirby :[)
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